Category: Worker Compensation

theater stage workers

While the entertainment industry is known for glamour and excitement, entertainment workers in Connecticut and across the country can deal with many dangers in the workplace. Common sources of on-the-job injuries include falls and electrical dangers as well as issues caused by poor ergonomics. That’s why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration will renew its […]

Connecticut residents may be interested to learn that, on April 6, the White House announced that a workplace safety regulation would be delayed. The regulation, which was issued by the Obama administration, would limit the amount of silica dust employees could be exposed to. If employees are exposed to it, silica dust could cause cancer. […]

unsafe scaffolding

When people in Connecticut head to their jobs, they may be concerned about the safety risk of working on scaffolding and other heights. After all, falls, collapses and other dangers can be magnified when they take place at high altitudes. In the construction industry, workplace accidents on scaffolding are some of the most common. In […]

amazon warehouses

Online shoppers in Connecticut and nationwide place many orders at Amazon during the holidays, and the extra workload appears to translate into more injuries among warehouse workers. News organizations that investigated injury rates at the online retailer’s warehouses identified an increase in worker injuries in the weeks around Black Friday 2018 according to Amazon’s records. […]

older worker

Workers of all ages in Connecticut may be interested to know that a growing number of workers are postponing their retirement. According to a review of federal employment statistics by the Pew Research Center, the percentage of people in the United States who are at least 65 years of age and are employed in at […]

injured worker

Workers in Connecticut often rely on their employers to inform them of workplace hazards and risks. These employees may also follow the leads of their more experienced coworkers when it comes to workplace behavior, processes and procedures. Unfortunately, a wax approach to workplace safety can lead to fatalities. One example of an avoidable workplace death […]