According to the NHTSA, there were 3,477 deaths attributed to distracted driving in Connecticut and throughout America in 2015. Distracted driving occurs when a driver is doing anything that takes his or her focus from the road. This could include eating while driving, talking with a passenger or changing a radio station. Sending text messages is another dangerous and common way in which drivers can be distracted.
While it only takes about five seconds to send a text, vehicles traveling at 55 miles per hour can cover the length of a football field in that amount of time. Roughly 660,000 drivers use their phones during the day according to NHTSA data. Teenagers are the age group most likely to be using a phone to send text messages or for other purposes. However, there are ways to help curb distracted driving before it results in another injury or death on America’s roads.
Teenagers themselves can speak up when they see a potentially dangerous activity taking place in a vehicle. This can be done either in the car or by making note of an incident on social media. Teen drivers should also know that any violation of distracted driving laws could make it harder to get a full license. Parents can help their kids by setting a good example when they are behind the wheel.
A victim of a car crash caused by a distracted driver may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. For instance, money may be available to pay medical bills or recoup lost wages because of the accident. If a person is killed in a car accident, family members of the victim may file a wrongful death suit. An attorney may be able to review the case to determine if negligence caused an accident to occur.