There are many different ways in which a Connecticut worker could get hurt while working in a warehouse or a production facility. However, falls are one of the most common, so employers may want to look at their fall protection plans. OSHA requires workers to have fall protection if they are walking 4 feet above the next lower level.
Employers can get into compliance with this rule by using guardrails, personal fall arrest systems or by using a safety net system. It is believed that making such changes could save up to 29 lives and reduce lost work days because of fall injuries by about 6,000 per year. Employers should also consider how they will protect docks when they are not in use. Workers could get hurt if they fall from an open dock door whether they are in a forklift or are on foot when the fall happens.
Modern dock barriers are designed to cover openings up to just over 16 feet and can withstand 30,000 pounds without taking much damage. Mechanical safety tools may also be available that allow a dock to be secured from a control box. Once the trailer is locked, the barrier releases, which allows for easier access to the locked trailer.
If a worker is hurt on the job for any reason, it may be possible to apply for workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits may make it easier to pay medical bills and other expenses after a fall that causes a back injury or any other type of injury. Depending on the severity of the injury, the benefits may be offered on a permanent basis. Workers may wish to see an attorney if they have any questions about the application process.