DUI Attorney in Plainville, CT

Were you arrested or charged with driving under the influence (DUI)? Depending on the circumstances, a DUI conviction could cost you money, your driver’s license, your job, and more. But it doesn’t have to.

One of the Best DUI Defense Lawyers in Plainville

The Plainville, CT, lawyers at Jainchill & Beckert, LLC, have extensive experience in DUI defense. Contact our Plainville DUI criminal defense attorneys for a confidential consultation on how we can defend you.

What Is Considered a DUI in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, a person is considered legally intoxicated if they have a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher. Commercial drivers and drivers under 21 are subject to lower BAC limits. If you are arrested on suspicion of DUI, you could be charged in Connecticut if your BAC meets such a limit or is higher.

What Should I Do If Stopped for Drunk Driving?

If you are stopped on suspicion of DUI in Plainville, CT, you should immediately take the following steps to protect yourself:

  • Pull over to a safe location on the road as quickly but as safely as possible
  • Treat the officer with courtesy and respect, including turning your vehicle’s interior lights on.
  • Know where your license and registration are. You should avoid rummaging around your vehicle as the officer approaches; otherwise, the officer may become suspicious that you are attempting to hide contraband or retrieve a weapon.
  • Remember that you have the right to remain silent. You should politely decline to answer if the officer asks if you have been drinking or using drugs. You can also request to speak to a DUI criminal defense attorney before deciding to answer any questions.

About DUI Chemical Testing

After a driver is arrested for DUI, police will typically conduct one of two types of chemical testing to obtain proof of the driver’s intoxication:

  • Breathalyzer: If you are pulled over on suspicion of alcohol intoxication, police will typically ask you to provide a breath sample to a breathalyzer.
  • Blood testing: If police suspect you are under the influence of illicit or prescription drugs, they might conduct a blood test. You may consent to a blood draw, or the court may issue a warrant for a blood draw to be performed.

Refusing a Breath or Blood Test

Under Connecticut’s implied consent law, drivers may not refuse a properly authorized breath or blood test. If you refuse a test, you may face serious consequences, even if you are ultimately not convicted of DUI.

Refusing a chemical test does not help your DUI case

You may think that by refusing a chemical test, the prosecution cannot prove your blood alcohol content or drug intoxication. However, prosecutors might rely on other evidence to demonstrate that you could not safely operate a motor vehicle due to intoxication. For example, the prosecution may include testimony from the arresting officer concerning your behavior and demeanor at the time of your alleged DUI. Make sure you contact a DUI defense lawyer right away

What happens if you refused the DUI test?

If you refuse a test, your driver’s license will be revoked for six months upon the first offense. It will be automatically suspended for a year upon a second offense and for three years on a third.

About Alcohol Absorption

The rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the body depends on multiple factors, including:

  • How recently a person has eaten
  • Alcohol concentration of a drink
  • What food or beverages are consumed alongside alcohol
  • Gender and body build
  • Any drugs are taken alongside alcohol consumption

Do You Lose Your License for Your First DUI in CT?

Connecticut laws state that you will be subject to a 45-day driver’s license suspension upon a first conviction for DUI. However, if you received a suspension for refusing a chemical test, you will not need to serve a second suspension period. In addition, you will need to have an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for one year as a condition for getting your license restored. A Plainville DUI defense attorney can help your case.

Getting Your License Reinstated

If your license has been suspended for DUI or refusal of a chemical test, it will not automatically be reinstated at the end of the suspension period. Instead, you must file an application for reinstatement.

For any alcohol-related suspension, you will be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for 1-3 years, depending on the nature of your offense. You will also need to pay a $125 fee with your reinstatement application.